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width category2 ul display flex justify content space between padding bottom 10px flex wrap wrap color #999 category2 ul li padding 0 7px media(max width 992px) category2 ul justify content center no space justify content flex start important no space a margin right 30px media (max width 992px) no space justify content space between important no space a margin right 0 test tab content p padding top 15px /style div id "app" div class "main" 类目 div class "category2" ul li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 1& store name protewang" target " blank" Other /a /li | li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 34596062018& store name protewang" target " blank" Kitchen Dining & Bar /a /li | li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 33705317018& store name protewang" target " blank" Sporting Goods /a /li | li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 33705319018& store name protewang" target " blank" Clothing Shoes & Accessories /a /li | li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 33826357018& store name protewang" target " blank" Pet supplies /a /li | li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 33705316018& store name protewang" target " blank" Consumer Electronics /a /li | li a href "https //www ebay com/sch/i html ssn protewang& store cat 33705318018& store name protewang" target " blank" Cell Phones & Accessories /a /li /ul /div 轮播图 div class "banner" div class "images" a href "https //www ebay co uk/str/protewang" target " blank" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/NDAwWDk5MA /z/V0AAAOSwZ59iKJDI/ 27 JPG" alt "" /a /div /div div class "marketing" /div 产品 div class "banner tab" div class " title" h3 Car Buffer Polisher 6" Dual Action Polisher Machine Cordless and 6" Pad /h3 /div PC端 div class " con box" div class "tablist" div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio1" name "test radio" checked "" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/fjcAAOSwB NkEu7H/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio2" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/ J8AAOSwPqJkEu7x/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio3" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/ercAAOSw6d1kEu72/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio4" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/rh0AAOSwOc5kEu8E/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio5" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/jG8AAOSwkWdkEu8S/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio6" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/qKcAAOSwisFkEu8e/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio7" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/jDoAAOSw 0dkEu8n/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio8" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/0DUAAOSwo8pkEu8w/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio9" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/GDoAAOSwCjpkEu84/ 3 JPG" alt "" style "" /div /div div class "tab content" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio10" name "test radio" div class "content" img src "https //i ebayimg 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"pic" div class "wrap" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/fjcAAOSwB NkEu7H/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/ J8AAOSwPqJkEu7x/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/ercAAOSw6d1kEu72/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/rh0AAOSwOc5kEu8E/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/jG8AAOSwkWdkEu8S/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/qKcAAOSwisFkEu8e/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/jDoAAOSw 0dkEu8n/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/0DUAAOSwo8pkEu8w/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/GDoAAOSwCjpkEu84/ 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/GbUAAOSwzaRkEu8 / 3 JPG" alt "" img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/z/7BcAAOSwpddkEu9G/ 3 JPG" alt "" /div div class "arrow left" label for "pic1" < /label label for "pic2" < /label label for "pic3" < /label label for "pic4" < /label label for "pic5" < /label label for "pic6" < /label label for "pic7" < /label label for "pic8" < /label label for "pic9" < /label label for "pic10" < /label label for "pic11" < /label /div div class "arrow right" label for "pic1" > /label label for "pic2" > /label label for "pic3" > /label label for "pic4" > /label label for "pic5" > /label label for "pic6" > /label label for "pic7" > /label label for "pic8" > /label label for "pic9" > /label label for "pic10" > /label label for "pic11" > /label /div /div /div 产品描述 div class "cp describe" div class "con box" p strong Description /strong br As a must have for any car our car polisher is designed with a powerful motor which can be used to polish and remove swirls scratches and defects from all painted vehicles Powerful enough for a professional And the car polisher allows users to control speed from 2500 to 5000 RPM br Our car polisher comes with an anti slip ergonomic handle which is fit perfectly to the palm of your hand as well as giving you an ultimate comfortable grip feeling This product is so easy to use by novice or master br It is made of high quality ABS metal and sponge material There are three colored lights green yellow and red It is green when fully charged It turns red when it needs to be recharged br The length of this product is 23cm the width is 15cm and the height is 13cm br This product is perfectly suitable for car vehicle auto etc br br strong Specifications /strong br Item Name Car Polisher br Material ABS Metal Sponge br Working Voltage 12V br Power 24W br Charging voltage 110V br Socket Type EU Plug/US Plug/UK Plug/AU Plug br Frequency 50/60Hz br Orbit 8mm br Disc Diameter 150mm br Variable Speed 6 br No Load Speed 2500 5000RPM br Features Portable Multipurpose Reusable br Size Details br 23cm x 15cm x 13cm/9 06" x 5 91" x 5 12" (Approx ) /p h3 strong Multi Functional Use /strong /h3 table tbody tr th p img alt "5" src "https //m media com/images/S/aplus media library service media/152cfeba 0511 4543 9aae 24bd1eab9943 CR0 0 300 300 PT0 SX220 V1 jpg" /p /th th p img alt "6" src "https //m media com/images/S/aplus media library service media/f21d522e 4d5d 4b31 9e33 f1da2adaf2a7 CR0 0 300 300 PT0 SX220 V1 jpg" /p /th th p img alt "7" src "https //m media com/images/S/aplus media library service media/5deb6c3e 2061 42d1 ac97 109cd5d0520f CR0 0 300 300 PT0 SX220 V1 jpg" /p /th th p img alt "8" src "https //m media com/images/S/aplus media library service media/efbadb2e f968 486c a6de 875bd0524ee3 CR0 0 300 300 PT0 SX220 V1 jpg" /p /th /tr tr h4 strong Car Waxing /strong /h4 p Cordless polisher is perfect for polishing & waxing your beloved car provide perfect polishing effect It also can be used to remove the scratches from your car and correct paint /p /td h4 strong Kitchen Stove Cleaning /strong /h4 p Not only can polish and wax the car but also can help you easily remove stubborn oil stains and dirt in the kitchen /p /td h4 strong Sink and Tub Cleaning /strong /h4 p Cordless polisher can be used to clean the dirt in the dishwasher and washstand at home Making it a useful addition to your life /p /td h4 strong Motorcycle Polishing /strong /h4 p Cordless car polisher is also a perfect helper for motorcycle body polishing /p /td /tr /tbody /table p strong Notes /strong br Due to the light and screen setting difference the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures br Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement br br strong Package Includes /strong br 1 x Car Polisher br 2 x Batteries br 1 x Sandpaper br 1 x Fleece Wheel br 5 x Towel Covers br 2 x Sponges br 1 Pair of Gloves br 1 x Apron br 1 x User Manual br 1 x Charger /p div class "images" /div /div /div div class "marketing" /div 平台政策 div class "policy" div class "label btn" div class "tab" input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio1 1" name "test radio1" checked "" label for "radio1 1" class "test label" Payment /label input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio2 1" name "test radio1" label for "radio2 1" class "test label" Shipping /label input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio3 1" name "test radio1" label for "radio3 1" class "test label" Return /label input type "radio" class "test radio" id "radio4 1" name "test radio1" label for "radio4 1" class "test label" Contact Us /label div class "tab box" div id "test tab 1" class "test tab" div class "content" 1   We acceptPayPal Credit card Debit card Pay Google Pay ect as payment br 2   Please be sure your shipping address is correct before make a payment br p img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MzVYMzA0/z/jyQAAOSwdXBiKJEq/ 27 PNG" style "width auto min height 30px" /p /div /div div id "test tab 2" class "test tab" div class "content" 1   We ship to your eBay or address Please make sure your eBay and address is correct before you pay br 2   Items will be shipped within 1 7 business days when we received payment br 3   Delivery time depends on destination and other factors br 4   International buyers please note p style "padding left 20px" a   Import duties taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges These charges are buyer's responsibility We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties br b   Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying br /p p img src "https //i ebayimg com/00/s/MjRYMTY0/z/6lAAAOSwoPRiKJFv/ 27 PNG" style "width auto min height 30px" /p /div /div div id "test tab 3" class "test tab" div class "content" 30 DAY RETURN POLICY br Customer Satisfaction is our main goal all items are quality checked prior to being listed and sent out Please contact us prior to leaving any Negative Feedback and allow us to make things right br If you not satisfied with it please include the original packaging and return form & tracking number otherwise the return may take longer to process the refund Once we have received the item and inspected it we will issue the refund or resend within 1 7 business days br /div /div div id "test tab 4" class "test tab" div class "content" Please contact us in time if any enquriy under any circumstances We greatly appreciate your positive feedback and we'll do the same to you We care about our valued customers and will always try our best to help you if you have any problems Working time GMT+8 / 9 00 18 30 in normal we will reply you in one working day /div /div /div /div /div /div /div /div meta name "viewport" content "width device width initial scale 1 0 maximum scale 1 0 minimum scale 1 0 user scalable no minimal ui" [Datacaciques code start code don't modify it] style type "text/css" tracker img display none tracker img last of type display block p empty+hr display none hr+span ebay hr+* span ebay display none /style div class "dc tracker img" style "text align center margin top 25px" img src "https //gate datacaciques com/track/img lid 394801089450" data " tracker" alt "DataCaciques" /div [Datacaciques code end] p / hr/ span class "ebay" On Sep 6 2023 at 18 29 05 PDT seller added the following information /span p / [Datacaciques code start code don't modify it] style type "text/css" tracker img display none tracker img last of type display block p empty+hr display none hr+span ebay hr+* span ebay display none /style div class "dc tracker img" style "text align center margin top 25px" img src "https //gate datacaciques com/track/img lid 394801089450" data " tracker" alt "DataCaciques" /div [Datacaciques code end]On Sep 14, 2023 at 02:28:33 PDT, seller added the following information:
Price: 51.99 USD
Location: Perth Amboy, New Jersey
End Time: 2024-01-09T08:12:09.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Restocking Fee: No
Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer
All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Refund will be given as: Money Back
Brand: unbranded
Type: Car Polisher
Color: Blue
Material: ABS, Metal, Sponge
Power: 24W
Battery Included: Yes
Battery Technology: Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Voltage: 12 V
Charging voltage: 110 V
Frequency: 50/60Hz
No Load Speed: 2500-5000RPM
Variable Speed: 6
Disc Diameter: 150mm
Item Length: 23cm/9.06"
MPN: Does Not Apply